Month: February 2021

Jooho Lee > What’s up? > 2021 > February
Learn Python 3 the Hard Way

Learn Python 3 the Hard Way

This book is published in 2017. The fundamentals of Python language is covered in this book. O’Reilly offers companion videos.

This book is a little outdated, but great for the beginners for grasping fundamentals. The companion video uses a text editor and Python on command line environment. It is great for learning how to use command-line arguments, but not much useful anymore since Jupyter notebook became dominant in the market.

Create a blank file

Create a blank file


$ touch directory/filename.[extension]

Windows PowerShell

$ new-item -type file directory/filename.[extension]


  1. Create a file or multiple files
  2. Create a directory
  3. Create a profile

$ New-Item -Path . -Name “testfile.txt” -ItemType “file” -Value “This is an example string.”

$ New-Item -Path “c:\” -Name “testdir” -ItemType “directory”

Learning resources

Windows PowerShell Documentation; Learning PowerShell @ Microsoft

Theme: Overlay by Kaira 2021 Jooho L.
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